Here’s My Fingerprint; How About Yours?

A few years ago, I knew that I needed to figure out exactly what my role in this world should be.  My children were almost grown and I had friends grieving through empty nest syndrome.  I knew, after 30 years of raising children, homeschooling them, being with them 24/7, that empty nest could hit me hard.  But only if I didn’t have a purpose beyond raising  my kids.
I think most of us come to that place several times in our lives, where we aren’t quite sure what to do next.  Or maybe we know what to do, but aren’t sure how.  Or maybe we know how … but something’s blocking us.
  • Maybe you’re a younger person, just starting out in life, wondering how you’re going to make it in the world, what kind of mark you can leave.
  • Maybe you know your purpose, but there are things getting in the way … depression, habits that don’t serve you well, disorganization, or a simple lack of confidence.  You may or may not know how to change those things, but you’re still having a hard time.  
  • Maybe there’s an area of faith that you want to work on.  You want to grow closer to God and be able to follow Him intimately, and you need someone to help you along.
  • Or you’re a new or proven homeschooler who needs some help getting organized, scheduling, choosing curriculum … or juggling the needs of family, school, a business, and everything else you’ve got going.


  • You might be a stay-home mom or a single parent who’s starting to feel like she’s lost track of herself and needs to know how to take care of herself so she can better serve her kids and others.
  • Perhaps you’re nearing or in your golden years and you’re thinking about how to leave the greatest impact on those in your circles of influence.  You want your life to really count.  You have wisdom to share or gifts to still be used.  You don’t want to waste a moment.
If you’ve read my blog before, you’ve probably heard me say (or seen me write) that I strongly believe every single experience in our lives — good, bad, success, failure — and each of our gifts, talents, skills, and resources all add up to basically a customized school that God put together for us, training us for our very unique contribution to the world.  Your contribution is so unique that it’s like your fingerprint — no one else, anywhere, at any time, has the same unique fingerprint you do.
I’ve realized that my contribution to the world is to help others discover and define their fingerprint and leave their indelible mark. It’s what entices me out of a cozy bed in the morning and brings joy to my day.  I’d love to work alongside you in finding yours and helping you do whatever is necessary to be able to leave your fingerprints in the strategic places God wants you to place them!
The thing that can make the difference between success and failure is having someone on your team who can look on from the sidelines and make suggestions, encourage you, educate you, celebrate with you, and give you that bit of oomph to make it to your goals.  
As your life coach, that’s what I do.  We talk about your goals, your dreams.  We figure out where you are, where you want to be, and how to get from here to there.  We work together to bring it down to steps that you can’t help but succeed with.  If accountability helps, I can do that for you without judgment or shaming, but with a lot of helpful encouragement.  We’ll figure out what’s blocking your progress, and I’ll help you find motivation in the rough spots.  I’m there to celebrate your victories with you and plot your course with you as you reach higher and higher.  So often, this is the one thing that makes all the difference in the world.
I’m invested in helping you reach your goals.  I strongly believe that you have something to contribute to this world that no one else, now or historically or in the future, is able to give.  If you don’t do it, the rest of us lose out.
If you’re ready to step up and work on leaving your fingerprint on the world, sign up for a free breakthrough session with me.  Let’s get to know each other and get you moving forward. 
If you’re not quite ready, feel free to sign up for my mailing list – use the link at  You’ll receive a series of emails from me over the next couple months with questions to help you think through the process.  You can journal about them privately, or share your thoughts with me by email. In the meantime, stop by my coaching blog, leave a comment … let’s start getting to know each other.  Pretend we’re sitting on my swing in my yard in Tennessee, with the dogwood blooming and a pitcher of tea between us.  🙂  (Yeah, I’m homesick.)
Hoping that this spring brings you so close your dreams that you can finally touch them.Alyce-Kay

Sparkling True Stories that Show Us How God Works

Ever wondered if God still talks to people?  Want to know how God shows folks His will?  Do you sometimes doubt that God will provide your needs like He promises?  Do you find yourself uncertain what a healthy marriage looks like?
Lin Sons’ recently released book, We Danced, is a sparkling collection of stories from her and Buck’s 40-year marriage, each concluding with a lesson we can apply to our own lives.  While written specifically for married couples, I found that it was easy to adapt to my own life as a single middle-aged person.
Her stories are ones that I think anyone who follows Jesus would be blessed to read.  They’re about every day life.  They give us a glimpse of what a great marriage looks like from the first date to death’s parting, and they put meat on the skeleton ideas we have of how God might work in our every day lives.  They show how God really still is a God of miracles, and how He does still lead and guide us.  Most of the stories are written in a delightful snapshot fashion, 5 to 10 minutes to read, and are perfect one a day.
We often read biographies of great Christians, and while we’re inspired by their lives, we tend to think, “Well, that was a long time ago,” or “Yes, but that person was really extraordinary.”  Lin is a normal person and her stories show how God provides for us, how He guides us, how He teaches us, and how He helps us through the rough times.  If He does these things for her, why wouldn’t He do it for you?
Who should read this book?
1.  Married couples.  The insights Lin has are treasure for those who want a good marriage.  Her questions are poised to open some great conversations, as well as help you pinpoint places in your marriage that could use a little tweaking in order to get it to line up with God’s plan.  This would be a great book to read together as a morning or evening devotional, to buy for a newly married couple (or as a wedding present), or give as an anniversary gift, no matter where a couple is on their journey.
2.  Engaged couples.  Wow, what a great foundation could be built if these thoughts and ideas were talked through and intentionally set in place even before the vows are said!  What inspiration to make our marriages pictures of Jesus and His Bride!
3.  Teens and young adults … or anyone who thinks they might want to get married someday.  Again, the examples here are golden.  Reading this book is a good way to determine some standards before you even start dating.
4.  Families and individuals.  There are life lessons here that are applicable to anybody’s life, even if you never get married.  If you don’t know how to find out what God’s will is for you, there are many examples here.  If you’re worried about paying bills … and if God has put on your heart to give away money you need … here’s encouragement and inspiration.  These are great things to ponder, journal about, or discuss as a family.

Reading this book was one of the highlights of my year.  I highly recommend We Danced for your reading pleasure and your spiritual growth.